The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)
The Gangasagar Mela, a Hindu festival and mela (fair), held annually at Gangasagar in West Bengal commenced on Monday. It takes place at the confluence of the Ganges River and the Bay of Bengal. The mela is celebrated on Makar Sankranti in January. Hindus believe bathing in the sacred waters at this confluence on Makar Sankranti washes away sins. The mela features a vibrant cultural atmosphere.(Photos by Rupak De Chowdhuri /IBNS)